Take a listen to Mark and Eric's full conversation about TRUE community.

Check out Tiffany and Eric's full conversation on why community is WORTH it.

Listen to Bob and Eric's full conversation on using our GIFTS within community.



Made to Belong: Five Practices for Cultivating Community in a Disconnected World
by David Kim

Even though we are connected more than ever through digital devices and social media, we still find ourselves feeling lonely and disconnected. We are asking questions such as: Who are my people?  How can I build meaningful relationships?  Where do I belong?

In his survey of more than 1,300 Christians, Kim discovered that the number-one common struggle is loneliness. We crave life-giving relationships and community yet realize they are difficult to find and cultivate.  We want to belong, we just don't know how.  When we are left to ourselves, Kim says, we naturally drift away from God and others, and we begin to believe the lies of the enemy.

Kim combats those lies with the incredible hope found in the Five Practices for Cultivating Community.