If you are considering making a decision to follow Jesus, please know that asking Christ to be your Savior and Lord means you are entering into a relationship with God, whose very essence is love. While it does not mean that you will not have difficulties and struggles in life, it does mean that you will never walk through those difficulties alone.

God promises in His Word, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5.

Making the decision to follow Jesus is the  most important decision you’ll ever make.   At Movement, we want to walk alongside you and offer resources for wherever you may currently be in your spiritual journey. The story of God’s choice to redeem each of us is what we call the “Gospel.” Here it is, in a nutshell:

We are all born with a sin nature. Because of our sin, we are unable to have a relationship with God without forgiveness. (Romans 3:23)

We can’t earn God’s forgiveness – it must be given. Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice so that we could be forgiven. (Romans 5:8 and Romans 6:23)

We must accept this free gift from God by committing our lives and hearts to Jesus. (Romans 10:9)

Baptism is an outward sign of an inward decision.  It shows others that you have been made new. It represents your old
sinful life being washed clean because of your faith in Jesus.  (Romans 6:4)

Discover more about baptism HERE.

If you are taking the step to follow Jesus or want to know more, fill out the form below so that we can connect with you and walk with you.